Toddler Taming: 3 Common Sense Strategies

Usually my advice on toddler years is JUST GET THROUGH IT.  While I recognise this is not terribly practical advice, I recollect days of tantrums over the wrong coloured bowl and the dreaded ‘NO’ word being thrown around on a regular basis. It’s not easy to reason with little people who have not developed a [...]

2018-06-05T01:40:54+10:00June, 5th 2018|

Practical Life Skills Matter

When we think about the kinds of attributes we would like our children to possess in adulthood, ‘independence’ is probably close to the top of the list. However, the road to independence is paved with meltdowns, mess, and mundane routines that sometimes require incredible amounts of effort for slow pay off. If you take nothing [...]

2018-05-18T10:06:03+10:00May, 18th 2018|

4 ways to support your child through Naplan

It’s that time again… Naplan will take place in schools Australia wide during May. As a former teacher of Year 3 and now a parent of two Naplan aged children, I have seen firsthand the mounting pressure that this once-a-year event places on children, teachers, schools and families. The hours of direct teaching and preparation [...]

2018-05-07T10:38:46+10:00May, 5th 2018|

Support More, Judge Less by Amy Piers

I was the world’s best parent... until I had kids. I literally used to teach parenting strategies for work before becoming a mum myself, and while I still stand by the content that was taught, I was missing a vital piece of the puzzle. Now I have a toddler, the school of life has brought [...]

2018-04-05T07:46:59+10:00March, 14th 2018|

3 reasons why you come first

Here’s the buzz word: Balance. Work life balance. Parenting balance. Household balance. Social life balance. Is anyone feeling a bit dizzy? I recently listened to journalist and author Mia Freedman speak on this topic. She’s written a book called ‘Work Strife Balance’ because she thinks the idea of a perfect balance in life is a [...]

2018-03-27T15:55:21+10:00March, 13th 2018|

My child would never do that! Or would they…?

“My child would never do that!” Have you ever found yourself on the defensive when it comes to your kids? After all, who knows them better than you? As a teacher I used to raise an eye brow to parents who gave me this response. I’d rationally wonder why and how they could believe everything [...]

2018-03-27T15:58:18+10:00February, 8th 2018|

3 Parenting habits to avoid in 2018

And so it begins, another year and an opportunity to reflect on ways you wish to conduct your life. Whether your intentions are a direct result of poor habits formed in 2017, or inspiration from outside sources, it’s the perfect time to put some goals and boundaries in place to begin your year on a [...]

2018-03-27T15:59:36+10:00January, 5th 2018|

5 ways to improve meal time: from circus to civilized

There are very few essentials in life, things we need to stay alive.  Food. Sleep. Air. So what if you can’t get past one of the first essentials – food?  Surely it can’t be that difficult to ensure our children acquire this ‘need’ regularly? Well, based on the conversations I’ve been having with many parents [...]

2018-03-27T16:05:32+10:00November, 9th 2017|

Eye rolls and back chat… How to approach (carefully)

You’re in a rush, your list of jobs to do is as long as your arm, you’re tired, dinner isn’t prepared and you’ve got another two appointments to fit into your day.  Just another day as a parent. But the minute you try and get your kids to help and alleviate your responsibilities in the [...]

2018-03-27T16:02:22+10:00October, 18th 2017|

Can we tame the ‘strong-willed’ daughter?

As the age old saying goes ‘I was the best parent before I had kids’, I also remember watching my friend’s daughter change her outfit several times during one play date, thinking ‘my daughter would never do that’. I eat my words. What’s more is that my strong-willed Miss 7 has an opinion on each [...]

2018-03-27T16:04:06+10:00September, 27th 2017|
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